Glassware & Materials Policy

In an effort to reduce waste and lower environmental impact, Making It Real Inc uses reusable glass and plastic containers whenever cost and availability allow. Further, for Customer convenience, Making It Real Inc may provide insulated bags and cooler packs at the time of delivery. With this in mind, the Customer understands the following:

Cleaning & Returning

All glass and plastic containers, insulated bags, and cooler packs provided to the Customer by Making It Real Inc shall be returned each week in a clean and sanitary condition.

If the Customer returns materials in an unclean or unsanitary condition, the Customer will be charged an additional Cleaning Fee in the amount of $2.00 per uncleaned or unsanitary item. Making It Real Inc, at its sole discretion and for any reason, may choose to waive this fee.

If the Customer fails to return any of these materials for a period exceeding three weeks, the materials shall be replaced at the expense of the Customer. The amount of this expense will depend on the items being replaced, and the cost of certain items may exceed $5. Making It Real Inc, at its sole discretion and for any reason, may choose to waive this expense.

Damaged Materials

If the Customer returns any of these materials in a damaged state, the materials shall be replaced at the expense of the Customer. Damage includes, but is not limited to, cracks, tears, missing pieces, or melted plastic from improper use or cleaning procedure. The amount of this expense will depend on the items being replaced, and the cost of certain items may exceed $5. Making It Real Inc, at its sole discretion and for any reason, may choose to waive this expense.



By reading this agreement, or by placing an order to Making It Real Inc through its website at or elsewhere, the Customer agrees to this Glassware And Materials Policy.

Making It Real Inc may make changes to this policy from time to time. Any and all changes will be posted to the Glassware & Materials page of the website.